Warner Schmidt Photography

Big studio quality at a small studio price.

Booked – June 15, 2011


June 15, 2011 has been booked. As this date is less than two weeks away, no additional inquiries will be considered for this date.

Thank you for your continued interest!

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Booked – June 8, 2011


June 8, 2011 has been booked! As this date is less than two weeks away, no additional inquiries will be considered for this date.

Thank you for your continued interest!

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Booked – June 6 and 7, 2011


June 6 and 7, 2011 have been booked! As this date is less than two weeks away, no additional inquiries will be considered for this date.

Thank you for your continued interest!

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Congratulations on your Graduation!

Congratulations to the Class of 2011, specifically my friend Andrew!

Andrew was offered the typical and generic package from the third party that the university uses to accomplish such things. Put plainly, he wasn’t satisfied with what they had. He contacted me and we built a graduation package for him including custom designed Graduation Annoucnements and Thank You Cards, envelopes, and outdoor and studio portraits.

Andrew receieved personalized attention and paid no more!

Once again, Congratulations Andrew!

Congratulations Andrew!

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Reserved – July 31, 2011

I’m currently reserving July 31, 2011 for an event, however inquiries are still welcome.

Once fully booked, I’ll make the notice.

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